Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Down in the dumps

Over the weekend, did 2-a-day sessions of running and weights which were helpful to regain a better focus on things and remain relatively sane.

I'm going to train more intensely and seriously as will run a big local 10K in April (SunRun) and the Vancouver international Marathon in May.

Doing breathing exercises, keeping my posture straight as well as doing pilates/yoga type exercises and stretches have been beneficial as they add a calming aspect to my workout which I truly need right now.

Weather here has been crappy (heavy rain, wind, cold) for over a week and no letting up in sight. It's not that I mind running in it, in fact it gives me extra satisfaction to train in less than ideal conditions as when race time comes, odds are conditions will be better and if they're not i'm used to it.

When it comes to everyday life though, getting up to a downpour, looking out the office window to darkness, dampness, people freezing at bus stops....the parallel with my mood is obvious.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Don't know

why I entitled this "happiness", all I want is sanity.

Running is the only thing that is keeping me somewhat sane. Without it I'd be dead.

The parallel between "running" and "running away" (from the realities of my life) is obvious, but I don't care. When I run and the few hours after are the only times I feel good, think straight and have hope.

If running is an escape or just my way of coping is irrelevant, it's the only thing keeping me going.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A lot of crap recently which I should post here but haven't. Regardless.

Today was the ING NYC marathon and 2 athletes I look up to where there achieving milestones.

Lance Armstrong ran his first marathon in 2:59!!!! Wow, under 3:00, good job Lance!!

In post race press conference he mentionned that it was the toughest athletic thing he had done (even tougher than his toughest days in France!!!)

As runners we should take solice in this because if Lance Armstrong finds it hard and we do it everyday, it says something about us.

The second is Dean Karnazes who is winding up his 50 / 50 / 50 which is 50 Mararthons in 50 days in 50 days. An incredible feat. I haven't found his time yet, but nonetheless, Congrats Dean.

So I'm still rather down in the dumps, but doing 2-a-day runs / workout sessions which are helping me cope with life.

I also like finding and hearing about people like Dean and Lance who's athletic conquests remind me that there's always more.

thanks guys

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rough period

Been going through rough period since I last posted.

I don't want to use this as a personal venting forum, but lets just say day-to-day life is more of a nuisance than anything to me and my coping skills are not very good.

The dilema is that when I feel like this, my energy is way down. I don't run or work out thinking I won't be out there long enough to make it worthwhile and that even if I do, my problems (which seem insurmountable at times) will still be there.
Yet at the same time I know that running is the only thing that keeps me (relitavely) sane and that I do feel at least a little better afterwards.

In the past few months I've even had runs of 10-15 minutes which sound meaningless for someone who's completed a marathon and is aiming at more.
Nonetheless, after those I did get the sense of satisfaction of having gone out.

Yesterday was my first longer training session as i was 15 minutes on the treadmill and followed that with 45 minutes of weights.
I also went for a quick 20-minute run this morning.

The feeling of looking forward to the next run is slowly coming back and right now, that's the only thing I find meaningful in my life.

Looking forward to tonight's run and posting the results...